To Our Absent MembersWhen folks join the Elks and stick around for years! Even decades! And when they are gone, the Elks will remember them. Each lodge performs a Memorial Service every year to honor each member, inviting the families and friends to celebrate those who have passed on. In addition, every night that a lodge is open at 11 o'clock PM, the Exalted Ruler leads the 11 o'clock toast - a toast to all Elks everywhere who will no longer pass through the lodge doors. You can click on a photo to read their obituary. Elks are never forgotten - never forsaken |
|'s that time of year!!
Time to make your plans and get your reservations for the Grand Lodge Convention in Kansas City, Missouri at the Westin Kansas City at the Crown Center. Show Me you are going to the Show Me State!! For more convention information, click here Room Reservation Form (Do Not contact the hotel directly) |
Brian Stokes is a member of our lodge, and in 2020 he received the news that nobody wants to hear - he had cancer. Read about Brian and his fight to beat cancer with the help of the Indiana Elks and IU School of Medicine. |
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We contribute to our community, to the general areas where we live, to the State of Indiana, and to the great United States of America!! Below are just a few of the more recent examples. After 125 years, the we just couldn't list everything. Everything we do takes time and every activity or fundraiser has involved plenty of people donating a few hours of their time to make each event memorable and successful. Nothing gets done (or even started) without the dedication of our Elks members!! By The Numbers
Financial Contributions From Lodge 235 In 2022, the South Bend Elks donated over $10,000 to the South Bend community benefiting local first responders as well as local low income and homeless families. This was over and above what we donated to VETERANS, CANCER RESEARCH, COLLEGE SCHOLARSHIPS, DRUG AWARENESS PROGRAMS, and YOUTH SPORTS. Pretty good for a bunch of volunteers! Veterans: The South Bend Elks Lodge supports veterans in many ways including financial contributions, resources, entertainment, and grants so our lodge helps our vets financially and face-to-face. Cancer Research: Elks lodges throughout Indiana have donated over $10,000,000 to cancer research Elks National Foundation: Over $10,000 from our lodge in the last three years helping to fund youth programs, scholarships, veterans programs, and financial community support. Other local organizations our lodge has financially supported and (often volunteered for as well) include Christ Child Society, Cultivate Food Rescue, Hannah's House, Camp Millhouse, Mishawaka Troop Town, Robert L. Miller Veteran's Home (in addition to our Parade of Nickels that we do all through the year), St. Margaret's House, and the Boys and Girls Club of St. Joe. And we work on the following all year long!
Stop by the lodge and ask! It's THAT simple! |
Amazing things, of course!!! We don't just work hard, we play hard too!! Check out these photos!!! Why be an Elk?Have you ever thought about how an organization can last over 150 years and STILL stay active and relevant?
* Raise money for cancer research * Events and activities to support out veterans * Support your community * Promote drug awareness among the local youth * Help local high school seniors win scholarships to go to college * Encourage kids to get involved with sports COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT - THAT's how the Elks have stayed relevant and active for over 150 years, and what will keep the Elks going for many years to come! |
Who We Are
The Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks (BPOE; also often known as the Elks Lodge or simply The Elks) is an American fraternal order and social club founded in 1868. It is one of the leading fraternal orders in the U.S., & recognized as the premier charitable organization in the nation, having nearly one million members with over 3000 Elks Lodges across the country. The members of Lodge 235 have raised and donated thousands of dollars through fundraising events and donated thousands of hours rolling up their sleeves and volunteering. Every event needs preparation, follow through, and completion, and we do it with smiles and laughter and friendship. Take a look at the photos on here and you will see a small example of what we do at our lodge. Fundraising can be a lot of work, but we always have fun doing it. So long as there are veterans, the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks will never forget them. Four times a year each lodge from the Northwest District have members that travel to the Veteran's Home in West Lafayette, bringing drinks, snacks, and prizes to treat the veterans to an afternoon of bingo and fun. In addition, we also have a cook out for them and then play bingo as well as participate in fishing days at the Veteran's Home. It's a very small gesture on our part for a very great gesture on their part. |
South Bend Elks Lodge 235
3535 McKinley Avenue South Bend, IN 46615 574-233-1139 |